In this Article we will continue our discussion of the conventional Big Bang cosmology myth and the alternatives of the new scientific paradigm with a focus on black holes, specifically taking a look at Nassim Haramein’s research into the idea that protons act as black holes.
The Conventional View of Black Holes
The presence of black holes in conventional physics has been supposedly been confirmed since the mid-1980s. They have never actually been observed, but their presence is deduced from the gravitational effects they have on their surroundings.
Conventionally defined, “A black hole is a region of space-time exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing—not even particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from inside it.”1
The traditional view of a black hole is as follows: as a star collapses and becomes more dense, the force of gravity on its surface becomes stronger, and consequently the space-time around it becomes more and more curved until a black hole forms with an ‘event horizon’ around it.
The event horizon is not a physical surface. It is a mathematical surface which is significant in determining the black hole properties.
To an outside observer, the flow of time on the star’s surface slows down as the star collapses and it stops altogether at the event horizon.
Two Types of Black Holes in Conventional Physics
There are two types of black holes in conventional physics: stellar-mass black holes and super-massive black holes.
Stellar-mass black holes are a few times heavier than the sun. They are thought to form from the most massive stars when their lives end in supernovas.
“The Milky Way galaxy contains some 100 billion stars. Roughly one out of every thousand stars that form is massive enough to become a black hole. Therefore, our galaxy must harbor some 100 million stellar-mass black holes. Most of these are invisible to us, and only about a dozen have been identified. The nearest one is some 1,600 light-years from Earth. In the region of the Universe visible from Earth, there are perhaps 100 billion galaxies. Each one has about 100 million stellar-mass black holes. And somewhere out there, a new stellar-mass black hole is born in a supernova every second.”2
A super-massive black hole is about as heavy as a small galaxy. They are a million billion times more massive than our Sun. They are found in the center of galaxies, and there are at least 100 billion super-massive black holes in our region of the universe. The nearest one, Sagittarius A, resides in the center of our Milky Way galaxy, 28 thousand light-years away.3 It has a mass 4 million times greater than the sun.

The region around the center of our Milky Way galaxy glows colorfully in this new version of an image taken by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope.
Black Holes & the Phi Ratio
“In a 1989 paper published in Classical and Quantum Gravity, English astrophysicist Paul Davies suggested that a phi-based relationship exists at the transition point of a spinning black hole from one state to another, such as when it changes from a state heating up as it loses energy to a state of cooling down. Specifically, he claimed that the transition occurs when the square of its mass is equal to 1/phi times the square of its angular momentum, although other physicists have challenged his finding.
Other researchers of black holes have come up with numerous equations involving phi as a constant. Among them are Norman Cruz, Marco Olivares, and J.R. Villanueva of the University of Santiago in Chile. In their 2017 paper “The Golden Ratio in Schwarzschild-Kottler Black Holes,” they presented evidence that phi appears in the movement of particles within a black hole – specifically the ratio between the farthest distance and the nearest distance between two photons orbiting at maximal radial acceleration.”4
Schwarzschild Black Hole
A Schwarzschild black hole is named for the German theoretical physicist Karl Schwarzschild (1873-1916).
“He provided the first exact solution to the Einstein field equations of general relativity, for the limited case of a single spherical non-rotating mass, which he accomplished in 1915, the same year that Einstein first introduced general relativity.”5
A Schwarzschild black hole is characterized by a surrounding spherical boundary, called the event horizon which is situated at the Schwarzschild radius, or the radius of the non-rotating black hole.
“A black hole must, by definition, satisfy the Schwarzschild criterion (rs=2GM/c2) where rs is the Schwarzschild radius, the black hole’s radius; G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the black hole, and c2 is the speed of light.”6
According to general relativity theory a Schwarzschild black hole of any mass could exist if conditions became sufficiently favorable to allow for its formation.
Unsolved Problems of Black Holes
“Current theories predict that all the matter in a black hole is piled up in a single point at the center, but we do not understand how this central singularity works. To properly understand the black hole center requires a fusion of the theory of gravity with the theory that describes the behavior of matter on the smallest scales, called quantum mechanics. This unifying theory has already been given a name, quantum gravity, but how it works is still unknown. This is one of the most important unsolved problems in physics.”7
“Einstein’s theory of general relativity allows unusual characteristics for black holes. For example, the central singularity might form a bridge to another Universe. This is similar to a so-called wormhole. Bridges and wormholes might allow travel to other Universes or even time travel. But without observational and experimental data, this is mostly speculation.”8
A wormhole has many names: Lorentzian wormhole, Schwarzschild wormhole, Stargate, and Einstein-Rosen bridge.
They have not been observed or reported by mainstream scientists. Though there is no observational evidence for wormholes yet “on a theoretical level there are valid solutions to the equations of the theory of general relativity which contain wormholes.”9
This means they are widely accepted in the theoretical physics community and are necessary to unify classical physics with quantum physics but they are not understood in the least bit.
“Einstein–Rosen bridges are connections between areas of space that can be modeled as vacuum solutions to the Einstein field equations, and which are now understood to be intrinsic parts of the maximally extended version of the Schwarzschild metric describing an eternal black hole with no charge and no rotation.”10
Essentially, in the esoteric viewpoint, wormholes are a tunnel from space/time to time/space or vice versa, connecting and creating a bridge or shortcut between two different points.
They exist in multiple dimensions and can bridge together different planes of existence in an infinite psychological reality.
The premise is that all points in space and time are connected, and can be accessed through a wormhole.
Wormholes illustrate an important aspect of the principle of reciprocity, that is the constant interchange between consciousness and matter, between the visible and invisible, between time and space.
Stephen Hawking and Black Holes
Originally Stephen Hawking believed quantum information that fell into a black hole was destroyed upon entry and that this happened from the event horizon. This violated one of the nearest and dearest principles of physics – that energy or information is always preserved and cannot be destroyed. This is the first law of thermodynamics.
In 2004 Hawking admitted that information could be preserved and that black holes’ horizons absorb and emit coherent information.11
Notice the word ‘emit’. This means black holes are not just cosmic monsters from which nothing can escape.
In January of 2014 Hawking posted a paper that stated black holes should not exist, and supermassive gravitational entities such as a Galactic core should be able to radiate energy from its interior.12
Here we have the word ‘radiate’. Again, black holes are two-way structures of radiation and absorption.
On an interesting note, in 2014 Hawking proposed black holes might serve as gateways into other universes. “The existence of alternative histories with black holes suggests this might be possible…The hole would need to be large and if it was rotating it might have a passage to another universe.”13
Then, in August of 2015, Hawking stated black holes don’t destroy information, they store it in 2D hologram.14 He suggested the entropy of a black hole must be proportional to its surface area, not its volume.
This idea led to the Holographic Principle of black holes, that is, the description of a volume of space should be thought of as encoded on a boundary to the region, preferably a light-like boundary like a gravitational horizon.
A paper entitled Horizon Entropy from Quantum Gravity Condensates15 was published in June of 2016 in Physical Review Letters that goes into detail about the case for black holes being holograms, claiming, theoretically, all the information in a black hole can be contained on its 2D surface area, not its 3D volume.
It theorizes there is no ‘inside’ to a black hole and all its information gets stuck in gravitational fluctuations on the surface. It goes on further to say, “Just as fluids at our scale appear as continuous materials despite their consisting of a huge number of atoms, similarly, in quantum gravity, the fundamental constituent atoms of space form a sort of fluid, that is continuous space-time,” the team explains in a press release. “A continuous and homogenous geometry (like that of a spherically symmetric black hole) can…be described as a condensate.”16
Studying one condensate (collection of quanta) of a black hole would express the properties of all condensates.
Since 1997, more than 10,000 papers have been published supporting the idea.
The Holographic Principle of Black Holes
Between 2010 and 2013 the physicist Nassim Haramein (1962-present) made a lot of waves when he, partnered with Elizabeth Rauscher, claimed to have solved Einstein’s field equations by determining a proton has the same characteristics as a black hole, thereby unifying classical physics with quantum physics and solving the problem of quantum gravity.
They put torque and the Coriolis effect into Einstein’s field equations. Space-time, or Aether, has a fundamental spin – that is, a spiraling flow.
“In 2012, Nassim Haramein discovered that the confinement force of a hadron and nucleus can be exactly described from the gravitational force of a Schwarzschild proton (a black hole with the same diameter of a proton), with no need for the post hoc addition of a contrived strong force.
Even though such calculations demonstrate that micro black holes recapitulate the characteristics observed of elementary particles, and can actually describe the generation of intrinsic characteristics like mass, charge, and spin from first principles — the idea of micro black holes receives strong criticism.”17
“Haramein’s paper “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass” presents a brilliant approach to Quantum Gravity and the Holographic principle as the origin of mass and matter in our universe. The model reveals important symbiotic relationships between the atom and the larger universe in which it resides, and it draws a picture of the space-time manifold, our own reality, as a boundlessly interconnected holographic projection originating within a cosmic singularity – the vacuum of space.”18
[‘Vacuum of space’ means the Aether – the source or metaphysical reality of infinite potential. Mainstream scientists are stubborn on this issue and devise various complex sounding names to describe it such as the quantum field, quantum vacuum or quantum foam. They refuse to acknowledge it as Aether.]
To clarify: “Based on the holographic principle, the information held inside a volume of space can therefore be described by what we find on its surface.”19
Haramein used the holographic principle to calculate the mass of the proton. The proton mass is a dynamic energy vibration in the vacuum.
Remember, there are no ‘things’. All is motion.
Proton information is exchanged with the immense density of the vacuum. The proton essentially blinks into and out of the vacuum at a Planck time rate (extremely fast – 5.39 x 10-44 seconds). The electron completes and feeds the proton and balances the torque/spin of the atom.
[The proton blinking into and out of the vacuum is an accepted fact of mainstream science. They do not claim to know where it goes when it is blinking out; they just call it the ‘vacuum’ or ‘virtual space’. Mainstream scientists know it disappears and returns. They know particles pop into this reality from ‘nothing’ but they are afraid to admit what that implies.
Mainstream science then continues to run itself around in circles, chasing its tail, because it refuses to admit that there is a metaphysical reality – the Source reality – that is infinite in potential and beyond space and time. They do not know how to work it into their equations, so they deny it.]
Nassim Haramein has attempted to work it into the equations and for that he has received a massive amount of push-back.
Nassim Haramein’s Unification Theory Using the Holographic Principle
To define the fluctuations of the vacuum Haramein uses Plank Spherical Units (PSU). These are spheres with a diameter of the Planck length (extremely tiny length 1.6 x 10-35 m) and radius of a half wavelength. These are vacuum oscillators. An oscillator works on the principles of oscillation: a periodic fluctuation between two things based on changes in energy.
[Note: oscillation is a periodic fluctuation between two things – i.e. oscillation from space/time to time/space, or from the physical to the metaphysical.]
Haramein starts with PSUs as the basis for a space lattice that stretches in all directions. He assumes space has shape. He fills it with intersecting spheres like a 3D flower of life pattern – the holographic interference pattern of the universe.
Vacuum geometry allows for us to have a quantum vacuum that is full of energy but is essentially at a ground state so that this energy is unperceived. When the vacuum becomes ‘active’ – we see it as particles/matter.
[This means there is a ‘vacuum’ or space medium with an infinite potential of energy. When this potential is at rest, we cannot measure or perceive it. When there is movement (fluctuations of consciousness) then creation occurs – creation of photons and thus subatomic particles.]
This can be compared to a guitar string. When the string is at rest you do not hear sound. When it is plucked, sound occurs. The space medium or Aether transmits the sound in the form of a wave – an oscillation. When the string becomes still, the sound stops. Even if all the strings are still and there is no sound, there exists an infinite potential – that is, there is an infinite variety of sounds that can come from the string or combination of strings. That potential exists even when the strings are not in motion. Only when we use our consciousness – our will and imagination – do we then pluck the string in a certain way to create the sound. Consciousness moves our hands. Our hands move the strings. The strings create sound while oscillating. Hence, consciousness is the root of the creation of the music in our analogy. It works the same way on every level, though it is far, far more complex than this when discussing the birth and evolution of the universe.
Quantum Gravity & Holographic Mass
The spherical proton surface is akin to the event horizon around the black hole.
The following image is from Nexus, Nov-Dec 2013, “Black Hole at the Heart of the Atom” by Marc Mistiaen, page 30:
Equation 1: describes the ratio between the proton surface and the equatorial surface of Planck volume. It allows us to calculate the number of equatorial surfaces of Planck spheres there are on the surface of a proton, that is, 1040
That is, 1040 PSU circles fit on the circumference of the proton.
Equation 2: gives the number of Planck spheres contained in a proton, that is, 1060
That is, if you pack the volume of a proton, 10-39 cm3, with tiny Planck spherical units (PSU), you can fit 1060 of them in there. If you multiply that with the mass for each one of the PSUs you get 1060 x 10-5g = 1055g, which is equal to the total mass-energy of the observable universe.
Only 10-39 cm3 is needed to make the proton a black hole.
With 1055g this shows the proton is a black hole!
Equation 3: the external surface is divided by the internal volume, and the result is multiplied by the Planck mass, which gives us the value of a proton mass. It is a geometric calculation that allows us to obtain a mass.
As Nassim Haramein explains, “We have derived the holographic gravitational mass of the proton (its Schwarzschild mass) from Planck units and geometry alone, without involving the Schwarzschild equation or the gravitational equations of Einstein’s general relativity at any point. Thus Gravity has been described as a ratio of mass/information to surface area and has been accounted for completely in algebraic terms without involving space-time curvature, only through pixelation of the structure of the vacuum itself. For the first time we have mathematical proof and a functioning description of Quantum Gravity!”
“The universe that you know is full of microscopic black holes and white holes.”20
Protons and the Holographic Principle
We have seen how the proton achieves its holographic gravitational mass due to vacuum fluctuations within the proton volume. Haramein then goes on to find the protons measured values when viewed outside the horizon. This is where its quantum entanglement to all other protons is revealed.
“The internal volume of the proton relates to its surface geometry in such a way that one PSU holographically expresses all energy/information entangled with it.”21
Divide the circular surface tessellations (4.72×1040) with the volume of the proton itself
(10-39) = 1.67×1079. This number is the currently estimated number of particles in the universe.
“The result reveals a quantum entanglement through mini-wormholes with all other protons in our universe; every single Planck circle at the proton surface can be understood as a mini-wormhole internally connecting it with another proton.”22
To find the actual expressed mass of a single proton in this wormhole matrix we must map the mass influence of one proton on a single Planck circle.
Dividing the Schwarzschild mass of the proton by the number of protons in the universe, gives us 10-65 (this number equals the proton mass distributed into all other protons.)
Multiply this number with the number of Planck circles on the proton surface, 4.72×1040, to reveal the mass influence by one single proton – one tiny wormhole connection. The result is 1.672295215 x 10-24, the proven Standard mass of the proton!”
As Haramein states in his wonderful documentary The Black Whole, “This proves that the universe is a holographic projection and also singularity events at all scales; that black holes are within black holes so part of the universe is a fractal within a boundary condition, but from a different perspective it’s a singularity.”
Scaling Law to Confirm the Black Hole Proton
Haramein and Rausher published the paper, Scale Unification – A universal scaling law of organized matter in 2008.
They plotted energy density, that is: frequency (Hertz) vs. radius.
The universe is plotted and shown to obey the laws of a black hole. It is too dense for light to escape.
Galactic centers and stellar objects were added to the graph.
Microtubules (important structures in biological cell processes) were added to the graph. Microtubules are much larger than atoms but they oscillate at a very high rate (1011 to 1014 hertz). They divided the scale in the middle.
Microtubules seem to play an important role in consciousness. They act as ‘light pipes’ acting as waveguides for photons. The photons do not get entangled, that is, they do not set into any single state. They remain in a quantum state – a condition of all possible states – enabling the brain to choose among them.
Atoms and Planck’s distance were added to the graph.
All points added up showing there is structure and order in the universe.
Scaling Law & Phi
The scaling law relationships were very close to the phi golden ratio.
Dr. Radu Coldea and associates in HZB, Germany, and Oxford and Bristol University in England made an extraordinary observation of phi in the nanoscale world of solid state matter in 2010. They published their results in the paper: Quantum Criticality in an Ising Chain: Experimental Evidence for Emergent E8 Symmetry.
They observed that chains of atoms act like a nanoscale guitar string. “The tension comes from the interaction between spins causing them to magnetically resonate…the first two notes show a perfect relationship with each other. Their frequencies (pitch) are in the ratio of 1.618.”23
Dr. Coldea is convinced that this was no coincidence, and that it reflected a beautiful property of hidden symmetry of this quantum system, known as E8.
This scientifically verified discovery demonstrates the underlying symmetries found within systems of complexity. This indicates the scaling law was correct.
Haramein’s Second Scaling Law
Haramein continued his work with the scaling law, this time plotting mass vs. radius. Once again, he plotted the universe, galaxies, quasars, the sun, earth, the Schwarzschild proton and the Planck mass.
All fit perfectly on the linear progression.
Note that the standard proton (10-24 mass) did not fit at all on the linear progression (see it near the bottom of the chart far from the diagonal line).
The Schwarzschild mass (8.8914 ) was consistent with the rest of the universe’s estimated masses.
This confirmed that the black hole proton was much more aligned with the fundamental principles of the universe.
“The Schwarzschild proton strongly suggests that matter at many scales may be organized by black holes and black hole-like phenomena and thereby lead to a scale unification of the fundamental forces and matter.” 24
We have discussed the conventional general relativity concept of black holes which is the thought that they are dense cannabalistic centers that collapse inward and swallow everything that gets near them. Even though the idea of black holes are accepted in the mainstream scientific community, they admit to having no idea what happens to the objects, matter and information that falls inside a black hole. They have come up with all kinds of theories explaining what may happen, such as: it disappears; it compresses to an infinitely dense point; or that it stays on the surface in compressed form represented by a hologram.
The most exotic suggestions, and the one taken the least seriously by mainstream scientists, is that all black holes contain wormholes at their centers. These wormholes act as a bridge to other realities or planes of existence.
This is the idea espoused in Cosmic Core. We presume that every black hole is a wormhole that bridges space/time to time/space, the physical reality to the metaphysical reality.
This does not mean a human can jump in any wormhole and teleport, but it does mean that everything in reality is continually oscillating back and forth from these two realms: the physical and metaphysical. This describes the continual flow of consciousness.
The work of Nassim Haramein is the first to attempt to scientifically expand this premise to include black holes/wormholes of all sizes, specifically the idea that protons act as black holes.
We will follow this line of reasoning, taking the stance that there is a black hole at the center of every proton – that is – at the center of every atom. This in turn means that there are wormholes at the center of every atom of both matter and our bodies that continually bridges the physical to the metaphysical. This is the consciousness feedback loop that allows consciousness to create matter and affect reality. This also allows the co-creation of all consciousnesses to create the mass reality, as it shows that all protons (all wormholes) are holographically connected. This means we are all connected to one another, and to every single other thing in the entire universe.
This is a scientific theory that explains how the whole is present in each part and how idealism works on a scientific and quantum level. Idealism means consciousness creates reality or thoughts form matter.
We will explore each of these ideas in further detail as we carry on.
- ibid.
- Meisner, Gary B., The Golden Ratio: The Divine Beauty of Mathematics, Race Point Publishing, 2018
- Mistiaen, Mark, A Black Hole at the Heart of the Atom: What if Nassim Haramein was right? Nexus, November-December 2013
- ibid.
- Mistiaen, Mark, A Black Hole at the Heart of the Atom: What if Nassim Haramein was right? Nexus, November-December 2013
- Hawking, Stephen, Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting for Black Holes, 22 Jan 2014,
- Brown, William, Black holes as elementary particles – revisiting a pioneering investigation of how particles may be micro black holes,
- Mistiaen, Mark, A Black Hole at the Heart of the Atom: What if Nassim Haramein was right? Nexus, November-December 2013
- Roberts, Jane, The “Unknown” Reality: Volume Two: A Seth Book in Two Volumes
- Mistiaen, Mark, A Black Hole at the Heart of the Atom: What if Nassim Haramein was right? Nexus, November-December 2013.
- ibid.
- Haramein, Nassim, The Schwarzschild Proton, December 2010
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