We will continue our discussion of circles here by focusing on the main aspect related to the circumference of a circle, that is: cycles, or cycles within cycles.
Keith Critchlow tells us in The Hidden Geometry of Flowers that “Rhythm is a basic factor in the manifestation of life from heartbeat to peristalsis, respiration, cell division and so on. In short, life itself is positively rhythmic and cyclic.”
The Circumference of the Circle results in Cycles
Cycles imply movement. Not just any movement – a repeating circling movement (aka cycles).
In three dimensions these cycles are moving spirals or spiraling cycles.
Not just cycles, but cycles within cycles, within cycles, to infinity…
Cycles, circulations, circuits, orbits, vibrations and rhythms are a part of unity (the circle), therefore a part of every aspect of reality. There is no way to avoid this.
There will always be high points and low points, rising and declining phases.
Cycles within cycles within cycles are an inherent part of nature, life, humanity, evolution and creation. There are no exceptions.
A cycle is an interval of time during which a characteristic, often regularly repeated event or sequence of events occurs.
There are cycles in everything. Cycles affect one another. Cycles have aberrations. Many are not symmetrical.
The study of cycles adds to our philosophical and metaphysical understanding helping us to discern structure, order and pattern and learn that there is balance. It can also help our emotional states encouraging us to live a life of non-attachment, knowing that all in life will ebb and flow. Cycles can teach us how to ‘let go’ and feel contentment and appreciation in all phases of life, recognizing all is in constant change and flux.
The Law of One states, “Nothing is ever lost. That which is not needed falls away.”
The Universe = Processes.
“The regularity and synchronicity of cycles cannot be happening by chance; they suggest an unknown force which governs the cycles.”1
Ray Tomes tells us, “There are cycles in the weather, the economy, the sun, wars, geological formations, atomic vibrations, climate, human moods, the motions of the planets, populations of animals, the occurrence of diseases, the prices of commodities and shares and the large scale structure of the universe. None of these are independent of each other. Research shows that very different disciplines often find the same cycle periods in their data. The inter-relatedness of all things is an idea whose time has come. The study of cycles is an excellent way to understand this because the periods of cycles are as easy to recognize as fingerprints or DNA sequences.”2
We will now take a look at various cycles.
Subatomic and Aether Unit cycles
The oscillating atoms making up matter move so fast they give the impression of solidity. This continual oscillation from one state to another can be called inversion or reciprocity. These concepts lead to the “idea of a continual interchange between matter and energy”, or matter and consciousness.
This all-important process is illustrated by Aether units fluctuating between two states of existence (physical, visible reality) and non-existence (invisible, metaphysical reality).
The oscillation from time/space to space/time is the perpetual flowing out of and then streaming back into the more primary aspect of existence.
The wormhole (center of the spherical torus) is the bridge between the two.
This is covered in great detail in the Science section of Cosmic Core. See Articles 98-129.
Cycles in Science
- Frequency – mass, energy and frequency equivalent
- Wave/particle duality oscillation – Compton frequency of a particle
- Simple harmonic oscillators
- Beat frequencies
- Chaos Theory
- Doppler effect
- Diffraction
- Fibonacci sequence
- Trigonometric functions
- Sine waves; Transverse waves; waveforms
- Electromagnetic Spectrum
- FM broadcasting
- Emission spectrum
- Gamma-ray burst
- Light/Visible Light
- Color – Visible Spectrum
- Piezoelectricity
- Radiocommunications
- Redshift
- Spectroscopy
- White noise
- Acoustics
- Aerodynamics
- Cold fusion
- Compressibility
- Sonar
- Sonic boom
- Sonoluminescense
- Sound
Cycles in Nature/Agriculture/Climate
- Carbon cycle
- Nitrogen cycle
- Water cycle
- Climate change cycles – Climate Oscillation
- El Nino/La Nina
- Global cooling/Global warming
- Historical temperature record cycles
- Ice Age
- Crop rotation
- Harvest cycles
- Seasonal cycles
- Meterology cycles
- Temperature cycles – daily, yearly
- Rainfall/Precipitation cycles
- Barometic pressure
- Monsoon cycles
- Tides
- Animal migrations
- Animal behavior
- Animal populations
- Tree rings
- Water levels
Cycles in Biology
- Alternation of generations
- Beta oxidation
- Bioelectricity
- Calvin-Benson cycle (Plants)
- Cell cycle
- Citric Acid cycles
- Ecology
- Life Cycle
Credit: Siyavula Education
- Polymerase chain reaction
- Urea cycle
- Zygotes
Cycles in Astronomy
- Eclipse cycles
- Galactic year – Precession of the Equinoxes
- Lunar phase – 28 day cycle
- Metonic cycle
- Orbital cycles of planets
- Sidereal year
- Sunspot cycle
- Tropical year
- Year – 365.24 day solar cycle
Cycles in Geology
- earthquake cycles
- volcano eruption cycles
- sediment deposits
- mass extinction cycles
Cycles in Economics
- “Business cycle research”
- stock-market prices
- economic depressions/inflation/recessions
- manufacturing production
- prices of goods – monetary policy
- fads and styles
- real-estate sales
- agricultural production
- mineral production
Cycles in History
- War cycles
- political cycles – See Article 257
Human Cycles
There is no physiological process which does not exhibit cyclic variations, and all organisms on earth contain metabolic clocks which trigger essential internal biological activates, at apportioned intervals related to geo-celestial cycles. As Robert Lawlor states: “Life is a process of absorbing and miniaturizing the periodicity of cosmic movement.”
- physical, emotional and energetic
- birth and death
In the Upanishads, the following statement is made by the conscious energy of the celestial macrocosm to Manifesting Life which is meant to embody universal harmonic laws: “He who recreates me protects me. I am food. He who refuses to recreate me I eat as food. I am these worlds and I eat these worlds. He who knows this knows Upanishad.”
- youth and old age
- 28 day menstrual cycle
- brainwave cycles
- biorhythm cycles
- 90 min REM sleep cycle
- heartbeat
- breathing
- digestion
- 12 day cycle in muscle proteins
- 128 day life cycle of red blood cells
- Circadian rhythm
- 24 hour cycle in liver
- blood pressure
- kidney function
Biorhythm cycles
Biorhythm cycles are caused by the lunar, planetary, cosmic, and in some cases karmic influences upon the human beginning at the moment of birth.
There are 4 types of cycles. They all move as sine waves.
Physical cycle – 23 days – physical condition, energy levels, strength, endurance
Emotional cycle – 28 days – nervous system, creativity, feelings, optimism, love, cooperation, calmness
Intellectual cycle – 33 days – absorbing new ideas, clear thinking, memory, creative thought; rehearse and review in down-swing phase
Spiritual cycle – every 18 days – psychic abilities
These cycles are useful to see certain “wide roads or possibilities” that may be useful in the journey of life. They are meant to be guides not laws written in stone.
The critical points are when the cycle crosses zero-point. These are days of flux and instability.
“At the nadir of each cycle the adept will be at its least powerful but will not be open to difficulties in nearly the degree that it experiences at critical times.”3
“We may say that while these information systems [such as biorhythms] are interesting they are in sway only insofar as the entity or entities involved have not made totally efficient use of catalyst and, therefore, instead of accepting the, shall we say, negative or retrograde moments or periods without undue notice, have the distortion towards the retaining of these distortions in order to work out the unused catalyst.”4
This means the more balanced a human is the more even the influences of these cycles will be on their life and the less they will notice the downswing phases. If the downswing phases are noticed with great attention then the seemingly negative effects will continue until the person has balanced themselves to the point where they do not notice the downswings as much or at all.
It is then added that these cycles are helpful tools “to the adept, but as we said, as the adept becomes more balanced the workings designed will be dependent less and less upon these cycles of opportunity and more and more even in their efficacy.”
This is covered extensively in the Spiritual/Reincarnation section of Cosmic Core. See Articles 225-235.
Death is but one night to the soul.
We all live many lives.
The cycle of reincarnation is commonly referred to as the wheel of reincarnation, like a merry-go-round, which could be depressing to think that maybe when we die, regardless of how we lived, we return again and again, going around and around.
The point of the esoteric teachings is that it is not a wheel, it is a spiral. Though it moves in a circular pattern you are never in the same place as you were before. You may feel you are going round and round but once you learn that the point of existence is spiritual evolution for the greatest good then you are no longer stuck and continue to spiral upwards and onwards.
Plato writes, “Interweave the mortal with the immortal, create living beings and give them their birth; give them food for their growth, and when they waste away receive them back again.” Timaeus 41d
Cycles of Quantum Densities
This is covered extensively in the Spiritual and Science section of Cosmic Core. See Articles 199-202 and 225-237.
The cycle of quantum densities, or cycles of reincarnation, refers to the evolution of the soul through octaves of experience, or levels of consciousness. This process is intimately related to the chakras and is a key component of the esoteric stream of knowledge and the Perennial Philosophy.
In article after article we go to the trouble of showing how the same symbols show up all over the world and throughout time. This is to illustrate the commonalities in different spiritual beliefs. This idea of spiritual evolution through the ‘densities’ or levels of consciousness might seem strange or unbelievable to many. However it is one of the most, if not the most, important concept the esoteric stream of knowledge has preserved for humanity.
Different spiritual traditions describe and symbolize this process in many various ways. However the point of all this symbolism is to show that we are spiritual beings; we are born upon this Earth to spiritually evolve; and there is a pattern to this evolution. This pattern involves a seven-step cosmic process of transformation described here and in many other places throughout Cosmic Core.
These grand cycles through the quantum densities are intimately related to the Precession of the Equinoxes.
For example, 3rd density cycles are approximately 25,000 years. This is the same time span as one Precessional cycle (25,920 years).
In brief:
- First Density – Red – cycle of awareness; water, fire, air, earth (mineral consciousness)
- Second Density – Orange – cycle of growth & movement (plant & animal consciousness)
- Third Density – Yellow – cycle of self-awareness (human consciousness)
- Fourth Density – Green – cycle of love or understanding (planetary consciousness)
- Fifth Density – Blue – cycle of wisdom or light; co-creation (galactic consciousness)
- Sixth Density – Indigo – cycle of love/light light/love; or blending compassion with wisdom; unity (galactic cluster consciousness)
- Seventh Density – Violet – the gateway cycle; turning towards timelessness (universal or Cosmic Consciousness)
- Eighth Density – The first density of the next octave and “a mystery we do not plumb”.
Sun spot cycles
Sun spot cycles are approximately 11.11 years.
Russian scientist A.L. Tchijevsky (Chizhevskii), in the early 20th century, created an “Index of Mass Human Excitability” to study how chaotic and turbulent life on earth was in 72 different countries for almost 2,500 years (500 BC to 1922 AD).
He looked at wars, revolutions, riots, economic upsets, expeditions and migrations then ranked their severity.
He “found that fully 80% of the most significant events occurred during the 5 years of maximum sunspot activity.”4
Whenever solar activity was at its maximum, 80% of all the most negative events took place.
He spent 30 years in Soviet prison for pointing out that the Russian revolution occurred during the height of the sunspot cycle.
The study of heliobiology was founded by Chizhevskii in 1915.
See Article 258 for more details.
Heliobiology verifies that the angular position of the moon and planets affect the electromagnetic and cosmic radiations which impact the earth.
These field fluctuations then affect biological processes.
Changes in solar activity (11-year cycle on average) has been found to affect:
- the growth rings of trees
- the yields of grain crops
- the reproduction and migration of insects, fish and other animals
- the genesis and exacerbation of a number of diseases in man and animals, especially mental diseases
- the number of white blood cells in human blood and relative lymphocytosis
“Forecasts of sharp fluctuations in solar activity (chromospheric flares in particular) should be taken into account not only in space biology and medicine but also in the public health system, agriculture, and other branches of science and the economy.”5
Extinction cycles
Articles 254-255 cover this topic in greater detail.
David Raup and James Sepkoski were University of Chicago paleontologists who assembled the largest collection of marine fossils ever accomplished – comprising 3,600 genera of ocean life.
They published an article in 1982 in Science describing four mass extinctions they’d found in the fossil record and a fifth less significant one.6
They found new species spontaneously appearing in short bursts in the fossil record – in a repeating cycle of approximately 26 million years.
This pattern extended back some 250 million years out of a total of 542 million years.
UC Berkeley scientist Richard Muller (physics professor) and Robert Rohde later found that about every 62 million years all life on earth went through a relatively spontaneous upgrade – transforming the existing species into newer, more evolved forms.7
This goes back 542 million years.
Astrological cycles: Precession of the Equinoxes
See Article 256 for more details.
The Earth makes a complete circuit around its own axis once every 24 hours (a day).
The Earth orbits the sun once every 365.2422 days (a year).
The Precession of the Equinoxes is a cycle of 25920 years.
Giorgio de Santillana states, “The sun’s position amongst the constellations at the vernal equinox was the pointer that indicated the ‘hours’ of the precessional cycle – very long hours indeed, the equinoctial sun occupying each zodiacal constellation for almost 2200 [2160] years.”
It takes about 72 years for the equinocitial sun to migrate 1 degree along the ecliptic.
The direction of precession is clockwise, opposite to the direction of the planet’s annual path around the sun (Taurus – Aries – Pisces – Aquarius) instead of (Aquarius – Pisces – Aries – Taurus).
Precession of the Earth is similar to a spinning top. Precession causes the northern pole star to shift over time as seen below:
Graham Hancock tells us, “The cycle of the precession does correlate very strongly with the onset and demise of ice ages.”
Galactic Rotation Period (Galactic Year)
The galactic year is the duration of time required for the Sun to orbit once around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.
The length is estimated at 225 to 250 million years.
Dr. Harold Aspden calculated this period to 248 million years.
See Articles 254-255 for more information.
Celestial Harmonic Cycles
See Article 253 for more information.
The Constant of Nineveh is the “Great Constant of the Solar System”.
It correlates to the revolution of all the bodies of the solar system, including satellites (moons).
The constant is: 195,955,200,000,000 (70 x 60 x 60 x 60 x 60 x 60 x 60 x 60).
Maurice G. Chatelain (1909-1995) was a French engineer and communications specialist. In 1959 he worked for the Ryan Aeronautical Company and was appointed head of the electromagnetic research group responsible for developing new radar and telecommunications systems. During this work he obtained 11 patents.
Later he worked for North American Aviation which had won the contract for the development and production of the Apollo spacecraft for NASA. Chatelain then built relay stations around the world in the tropics, each more than 200 feet in diameter so that they can communicate with each other and with the Houston flight center.6
Chatelain was the one who discovered the Constant of Ninevah to be in seconds. He calculated it to be 2,268 million days of 86,400 seconds each or 6.2 million years.
Chatelain writes, “Every period of revolution or conjunction of all the solar system bodies calculated by the Constant of Nineveh corresponded exactly down to several decimal points with the values given in the modern tables of United States astronomers… I have not been able to find even a single period of revolution or conjunction of a solar system planet or satellite that would not be an exact fraction down to the fourth decimal point of the Great Constant of the Solar System.”
- The Dynamic Unity of Reality, http://spaceandmotion.com/
- Tomes, Ray, Cycles in the Universe, http://ray.tomes.biz/
- Elkins, Rueckert, McCarty, The Law of One, Session 61, https://www.lawofone.info/results.php?s=61
- Theroux, M. and Borges, James, What is Going on With Our Sun? Are Hysterical Claims Really True?, Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, https://borderlandsciences.org/journal/vol/56-8/v56-1/Solar_Activity_Cycle23.html
- ibid.
- Raup DM, Sepkoski JJ, Mass extinctions in the marine fossil record, 19 March 1982, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17788674
- Perlman, David, Mass extinction comes every 62 million years, UC physicists discover, SFGate, 10 March 2005, http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Mass-extinction-comes-every-62-million-years-UC-2693228.php
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