Search Result: photon

Article 124B: Quantum Physics – Part 4 – Geometry of the Photon

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   American physician and author Edwin D. Babbit writes, “Light reveals the glories of the external world and yet is the most glorious of them all.  It gives beauty, reveals beauty and is itself most beautiful.  It is the analyzer, the truth-teller and […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 125: Physics – Aether, Electromagnetism & Gravity – Part 1 – Ranzan, Energy & Photons

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In Articles 116-119 we discussed one half of the opposing yet harmonious pressure forces of the Aether, that is, gravity. This article begins a five part series focusing on the other half – that of electromagnetic radiation.   Now that we have […]

By Renee Hoadley |

76.345 – Exploring the Hidden Secrets of the Golden Ratio – Charlie Ziese, Joseph Farrell & Tesla Technology

What does the phi scaling angle, Russian pyramid and Tesla technology have in common? Answer: A 76.435 degree pyramid I would like to call attention to the work of Charlie Ziese, owner of Stargate Pyramids and creator of the Pyramid Science Foundation.  His book 76.345 – Exploring the Hidden Secrets of the Golden Ratio presents […]

By Renee Hoadley | Uncategorized

Mainspring of the Universe by Conrad Ranzan

I would like to call attention to the ground-breaking  scientific paper written by Conrad Ranzan, originator of the Dynamic Steady State Universe (DSSU) Theory – heavily featured on this website.  This paper is published in the International Journal of Cosmology, Astronomy and Astrophysics His fabulous body of work can be found here: Here I […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 256B: The Hidden Rhythm of Evolution – Jose Diez Faixat Addendums

The Hidden Rhythm of Evolution – Addendum 7 & 8 by Jose Diez Faixat   Addendum 7: Entropic-Syntropic Evolution Following one of his surprising mathematical discoveries, Carl F. Gauss stated: “Now that I have the solution, I just need to find the logical process that leads to it.” In the present investigation, we find ourselves […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Galactic Time Cycles: Yugas & Precession of the Equinoxes

There is so much new information that has been pouring in regarding galactic time cycles and their effects on human society, culture and consciousness.  I am currently working on a long article, perhaps a short book, that ties this information together.  Key sources of this information include: Robert Lawlor – The Geometry of the End […]

By Renee Hoadley | Uncategorized

New Scientific Revolution Book Project

Included here is a brief introduction to my second book project entitled:   Sacred Geometry and the New Scientific Revolution   This book will investigate a different way of looking at the universe – there is a different way of understanding cosmology and learning to answer the questions of what the universe is, how it […]

By Renee Hoadley | Uncategorized

Sacred Geometry Book Project in Progress

  I’d like to introduce one of two book projects I am currently working on.  Both of my book projects are a more refined and detailed look at the “Science” section on this website.  I will now briefly discuss this first project entitled:   Sacred Geometry and the Platonic Solids: The Geometry of Matter, Life, […]

By Renee Hoadley | Uncategorized

New Article Posted: A Comprehensive Study of Cymatics & Dr. Hans Jenny

  Read a comprehensive review of the extremely important work of Dr. Hans Jenny called “Cymatics” here.  Images will be posted soon.  It is highly recommended that you buy a copy of Cymatics: Volume I and II if you are a serious student of sacred geometry. Cymatics Vol. I & II is presently out of […]

By Renee Hoadley | Uncategorized

Article 121 – Part 3 – Cymatics & Dr. Hans Jenny

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article Cymatics: Dr. Hans Jenny – Study of Geometry in Fluid Vibrations This article is a comprehensive review of the work of Dr. Hans Jenny and his texts Cymatics Volume I and II.  I will add several images from his work in the near […]

By Renee Hoadley |