Search Result: the photons

Article 125: Physics – Aether, Electromagnetism & Gravity – Part 1 – Ranzan, Energy & Photons

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In Articles 116-119 we discussed one half of the opposing yet harmonious pressure forces of the Aether, that is, gravity. This article begins a five part series focusing on the other half – that of electromagnetic radiation.   Now that we have […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 46: Geometry – Platonic Solids – Part 7 – The Star Tetrahedron

Return to Free Library Return to Geometry Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this article we examine the star tetrahedron in more depth.     The Tetrahedron and its Dual: The Star Tetrahedron – 1440º The Star Tetrahedron is composed of two equally sized dual tetrahedrons put together – one facing upwards and one […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 45: Geometry – Platonic Solids – Part 6 – The Tetrahedron

 Return to Free Library Return to Geometry Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   We will now start a seven-part series that will discuss each Platonic solid in detail as well as associated Archimedean and Catalan solids. We will begin here with the “master solid”, the tetrahedron. Freddy Silva writes, “One of the most important alchemical […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 124B: Quantum Physics – Part 4 – Geometry of the Photon

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   American physician and author Edwin D. Babbit writes, “Light reveals the glories of the external world and yet is the most glorious of them all.  It gives beauty, reveals beauty and is itself most beautiful.  It is the analyzer, the truth-teller and […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 133: The Holographic Universe – Part 2 – Fractilization of the Universe; Scaling Laws & Harmonic Ratio 34560

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this article we will continue our discussion of the Holographic Universe, touching on the interesting theory of how a single tetrahedral photon fractalized outwards to form the physical universe that we experience. We will then discuss some of the fractal scaling […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 122: Quantum Physics – Part 1 – Quantum Theory & Wave-Particle Duality

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   This article begins a ten part series on the subatomic and atomic realm.  We will start with three articles reviewing quantum physics and discussing the geometry of subatomic particle interactions and the photon.  Then we will go into a five part series […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 111: Physics – Aether, Space & Time – Part 1 – Parallel Realities, Alternation & Inversion

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   We have thoroughly discussed the Aether and Aether units in the last thirteen articles. For the next five articles we will move on to a discussion of the Aether related to the concepts of space and time. Much of our discussion about […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 91: Astronomy – Black Holes as Matter Generators

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this article we will continue our discussion of black holes and wormholes.  We have discussed the idea that all black holes contain wormholes that act as bridges from the physical reality to the metaphysical reality, and that black holes exist on […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 90: Astronomy – Black Holes & the Proton as a Mini-Black Hole

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this Article we will continue our discussion of the conventional Big Bang cosmology myth and the alternatives of the new scientific paradigm with a focus on black holes, specifically taking a look at Nassim Haramein’s research into the idea that protons […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 139: Consciousness – Part 2 – Mainstream Theories

Return to Free Library Return to Consciousness Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In the previous article we looked at a broad and poetic view of panpsychism and idealism.  In this article we will discuss some of the mainstream questions and concepts of consciousness in science today.   A Review of Mainstream Ideas and Questions […]

By Renee Hoadley |