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In this article we will now begin a 27-part series on aspects of consciousness.  We will discuss consciousness and unity, mainstream ideas of consciousness, consciousness units, and the effects of a unified consciousness otherwise called the ‘non-local mind’.

From there we will go into a deeper discussion of various aspects of the mind and emotions from both a spiritual and a scientific viewpoint.  We will begin now with a look at consciousness as a unified phenomenon among all in reality, seen and unseen.


“For science the great miracle to be explained is the physical universe. For esoteric philosophy the great miracle is human consciousness.”1

As it is said in Sufism, “The Truth is also seeking the Seeker.”


Consciousness, in Cosmic Core, is based upon a few key premises:

The Universe is Infinite and Unified.

All in reality, seen and unseen, interpenetrates.

All points in space, time and consciousness are connected.

Everything contains consciousness, without exception.

Consciousness is the creator of reality, life, matter, energy, light and sound.  Consciousness comes first.  It is the foundation and source for all in reality.


“The most fundamental ground of the world is ‘thought’.  We inhabit a cosmos that is, in essence and origins, one small configuration in a universal mind or intelligence.” ~ Robert Lawlor


“Consciousness does not exist.  It is existence.” ~ Ancient Hindu Philosophy


Infinity is Unified

“The universe is infinite. This has yet to be proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to your selves, your understanding, what you would call your journey of seeking, or your perceptions of the creation.  That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. To have infinity you must identify or define the infinity as unity; otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning. In an Infinite Creation there is only unity. You have seen simple examples of unity. You have seen the prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight. This is a simplistic example of unity.”2

When we refer to infinity in the esoteric stream of knowledge we mean the universe is infinite in space, time, energy, consciousness, potential, possibilities, creativity, dimensions and expressions.  Spiritually speaking, consciousness is infinite.  This has profound implications regarding the nature of life and death as an individual as well as the cosmic evolution of the soul.  These are discussed in great detail in other articles.

Scientifically speaking, in order to understand infinity, we must take a look at the electromagnetic spectrum.  This spectrum is one of energy and energy always travels in waves.  We live in a ‘waveform’ universe – one which is composed of interrelated, interpenetrating resonant fields of electromagnetic energy and conscious information.  The word “energy” in sacred geometry is explicitly defined in terms of waves: amplitude, frequency, wavelength and harmonics.

For now it is important to notice that what we can perceive with our five senses is but a tiny piece of this spectrum.  Yet science has proven that there are many powerful forces contained within it that we cannot see, hear or feel.  This does not mean they do not exist.  Non-physical things can be very real and very powerful indeed.

“X-rays,” Thomas Kuhn reminds us, “were greeted not only with surprise but with shock.  Lord Kelvin at first pronounced them an elaborate hoax.  Others, though they could not doubt the evidence, were clearly staggered by it.  Though X-rays were not prohibited by established theory, they violated deeply entrenched expectations.”  

Current mainstream science essentially “cuts off reality” at the very, very tiny “Plank scale” of 1.6 x 10–35 meters, claiming that wavelengths shorter than the Planck length do not exist.  This is called renormalization and it is a straight-up denial that the spectrum of wavelengths continues to extend to infinity in both directions despite what physics equations actually state.

Reality should not be cut off at the Planck length.  As a colleague stated,  “The great bulk of ‘What Is’ in terms of energy-density, resides on the ‘other side’ of the Planck length – the subPlanckian Energy Domain – with ever-finer scales of pixelization – each ‘sub-pixel’ of ever-higher energy density, ad infinitum.  And get this – the mainstream’s own math has shown the energy-density of the perceived ‘vacuum’ to be enormously high, functionally infinite.  [Infinity shows up in physics equations time and time again] yet they won’t accept what their own math tells them, and resort to ‘renormalization’ to sidestep the catastrophe.”

“Think of the octaves on a piano keyboard, with each octave representing a ‘dimension’.  Then picture the keyboard extending infinitely in both directions.  In the upward/inward direction it’s a vibrational continuum of higher and higher frequencies, shorter and shorter wavelengths beyond the Planck threshold, encompassing the mental, emotional and spiritual realms.  It’s a nestedness-of-scale, a fractalization of octaves, each ‘dimension’ interlocking with the next… on the Keyboard of Infinity.”

Or, as Robert Lawlor states, “Inherent in the structure of the Cosmos are higher levels of consciousness that must pre-exist or exist simultaneously, with the initial effluence of energy and matter in all their forms, processes and transformations.  In Indian philosophy we find the principal Trinity prior to any prerequisite for creation: Consciousness, Time and Space.  The basic “stuff” of this universe is an infinite, ineffable Consciousness.  Without this fundamental premise reality is converted into absurdity and deceptive delusions.”

What is being stated here is that the “energy” of consciousness – that is thoughts, emotions, willpower, intention, intuition, inspiration and so forth have an actual electromagnetic reality and can build a ‘charge’ in order to create an effect.  I dare anyone to genuinely say consciousness does not contain energy.  If you have ever felt true love, despair, agony, lust, jealousy, rage, bliss or any other number of intense emotions then you have certainly felt the energy they contain.  This energy moves you – literally and metaphorically – just as an intense idea you have moves you to make it a reality.  In conventional terms it contains the potential for work, as energy is traditionally defined as “the capacity or ability to do work”.  This is electromagnetic energy – though of wavelengths beyond the Planck scale.

Within the esoteric philosophy it is crucial to understand that thoughts and emotions have an electromagnetic reality.  With the appropriate intensity a ‘charge’ builds and action occurs.  All consciousnesses alive on Earth, for instance, will contribute to Earth processes in this way.  On a Universal scale consciousness can create matter because all matter is ultimately made of electromagnetic oscillations and vortexes of energy at its fundamental level.  The forces of consciousness exist on the electromagnetic spectrum beyond the Planck domain in a waveform universe.

So when we speak of infinity we are not talking about some fuzzy, nebulous “woo-woo” idea with no basis in reality.  We are talking about something firmly grounded in science: the existence of infinite wavelengths upon the electromagnetic spectrum.  Without infinity neither physics equations nor calculus equations can work.  When it is said in calculus that something is ‘infinite’, this simply means that there is no limit to its values.  So think about the electromagnetic spectrum as having no limit to its values.


The Key to Unity is Infinity

Unity does not mean everyone becomes homogenized – a mass of undifferentiated clones or “hive-minded beings”.


Within Unity, individuality and freedom of choice are universal rights.  Unity alludes to a greater, deeper connection between all consciousnesses.  Unity does not mean all consciousnesses are the same, or need to be the same.  Be different.  Be unique.  Be eccentric.  Be who you want to be.  Stay true to yourself at all costs.

Within Unity there is room for Infinite expressions.  This is the idea of ‘Multiplicity with Unity’.  Each expression is equal – equal in validity, importance and worth – equal but different.

Evolving towards Unity does not mean everyone must become the same; be the same; think the same; act the same.  No – everyone must become more of themselves within the framework of knowing that everyone is connected to all else and then respecting that knowledge by acting ethically in all regards.

When you recognize the connection you recognize how your thoughts, words, and actions affect all others.

Would you cut off your own foot?  So why would you cut down another human?  Why would you insult and damn another human?  Why would you hurt another person or animal?  Why would you destroy life in whatever form it exists?

If you recognized the true meaning of Unity, you would not intentionally harm or take advantage of another, knowing as an individual each is a part of yourself.


This is the basis of ‘Multiplicity within Unity’.  This is conceptualized by the Archetypal Principles of 1-10 that are covered in extreme detail in Cosmic Core.


Keith Critchlow writes in Time Stands Still, “The ‘concrete’ reality for traditional societies was metaphysical and grounded in the gods, whereas in our contemporary Western society it is literal and grounded in mechanisms.  Hence our contemporary repetitive concrete ‘boxes’ – the tower blocks, flats and offices – proclaim an equality of identity to such a degree that they become mechanically identical and therefore anonymous, thereby denying the first law of the natural order of manifestation – variety and multiplicity in Unity, or uniqueness in unicity.”

This idea of ‘equal but different’, ‘unity in diversity’ or ‘order in complexity’ involves the concept of harmony  “By harmony,” explains Gyorgy Doczi, “we generally mean a fitting, orderly and pleasant joining of diversities, which in themselves may harbor many contrasts.  In this sense, harmony is a relationship in which different and often contrasting elements complement each other by joining.”

This concept of harmony – a proportional blending of opposites – means that the natural right of individual expression is protected within the universal principle of unity.  We are all meant to be unique and creative expressions.  Nowhere in Cosmic Core, the esoteric stream of knowledge or the Perennial Philosophy will it ever claim otherwise.

William Bramley writes, “This uniqueness and individuality of viewpoint appear to be the very essence and purpose of spiritual existence.  We may see some evidence of this in the fact that when individuals are crushed into a sameness, they become unhappier and worse off; their perceptions deteriorate and they are less creative.  When true uniqueness and individuality are restored to people they regain their vitality and creativity.”

Clearly we have just as much a chance of creating a beautiful peaceful prosperous world for all with identical looking and acting human beings as we do of writing a beautiful symphony with only middle C notes.  The point is we need infinity, expressed through individuality and freedom, in order to find harmony.  Take note: serving the highest individual good and the highest greatest or Universal good are not mutually exclusive.  Beware of anyone who tries to tell you otherwise.  When the individual harmonizes with the Cosmos in a cooperative nature both the individual and the greatest good are served and neither individual freedom nor unity suffers.

So go ahead, assert your individuality and become more yourself.  Extend your horizons, push beyond the conventional mental landscapes – be driven by zest and vitality, by curiosity and love, and not by fear.  It is in this way that the “greatest good” is served.  As individuals you must become more yourself – and it is up to each one of you to find out what exactly that means – all the while rising to your highest spiritual, intellectual, emotional, creative, and ethical potential.  All will then cooperatively benefit from these results of the healing and transformation of your consciousness.



Many brilliant thinkers past, present and future spoke of the inherent oneness they knew existed among all things in reality.  The saying ‘We are all One’ has almost become a trite spiritual saying because it has been said so many times without full comprehension.  However it is not trite, it is truth, and in Cosmic Core we explore this idea from many angles, both scientific and spiritual, ancient and modern.

Geometrically speaking this website illustrates the concept that everything is connected according to harmonic proportions.  This naturally leads to the ancient concept that the Universe is based upon order, not chaos.  It must be stressed here that when we use the word order in this way we are referring to “the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern or method.”  This is in contrast to the other meaning of order referring to an “authoritative command, direction or instruction.”  It is unfortunate that when many hear the word order they often automatically think of authoritarian or even totalitarian ideals.  Cosmic order opens the door to harmony, not tyranny and the esoteric philosophy leads to freedom, not slavery.  Please keep this in mind.

Without order, life would not be able to exist, to reproduce, to heal or to grow.  Your finger would never ‘miraculously’ heal after being cut open; your bone would not mend after a break; a child would not be able to form in the womb; plants would not be able to photosynthesize or bear fruit; electrons would not be able to arrange and continually orbit around the nuclei of atoms; stars and planets would not be able to arrange properly to nourish life…

The study of sacred geometry teaches that the universe is an ordered whole, unified by cooperative and harmonious proportions.  The universe is not chaos.  Chaos is indeed a part of the Universe.  No one can deny this, certainly not me.  Human beings can freely choose to experience or create chaos in their minds, their life, or their communities.  However the Universe is not chaos itself.  Chaos could never randomly form life, let alone consciousness.  If you would like to understand the kind of results chaos would produce then study the effects of atomic bomb blasts on natural systems and radiation poisoning on the human body.  Chaos can clearly be seen to destroy life, not propagate it.  So if you want to live in tune with the Universe spread cooperation and harmony, not competition and chaos, and the Universe will in turn reward you with that which you have given.


Bruce Rawles writes, “In nature, we find patterns, designs and structures from the most minuscule particles, to expressions of life discernible by human eyes, to the greater cosmos. These inevitably follow geometrical archetypes, which reveal to us the nature of each form and its vibrational resonances. They are also symbolic of the underlying metaphysical principle of the inseparable relationship of the part to the whole. It is this principle of oneness underlying all geometry that permeates the architecture of all form in its myriad diversity. This principle of interconnectedness, inseparability and union provides us with a continuous reminder of our relationship to the whole, a blueprint for the mind to the sacred foundation of all things created.”3

In 1670 Leibniz stated, “Reality cannot be found except in One single source, because of the interconnection of all things with one another.”

John Donne spoke of this connection in his famous poem, “No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main…any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.”

“The worlds are so composed that each one is a part of each other one, and there is no disconnecting.  There is no place or space, psychological [or] psychic, where those worlds exist apart from each other.”4

Meher Baba says, “You and I are not ‘we’; you and I are One.”


And in 1947 the brilliant Walter Russell wrote, “This New Age is marking the dawn of a new world-thought.  That new thought is a new cosmic concept of the value of human to human.  The whole world is discovering that all humankind is one and that the unity of humanity is real – not just as abstract idea.  Humankind is beginning to discover that the hurt of any human hurts every human, and conversely, the uplift of any human uplifts every human.”

So, “Let us remember that we are all one.  This is the great learning/teaching.  In this unity lies love.  In this unity lies light.  Unity, love, light, and joy; this is the heart of the evolution of the spirit.”5


As we see in Article 99 this “Unity Principle” has gone by many names:


Idea of Unity 18th – 20th Century Researchers
Anamorphosis Ludwig von Bertalanffy
Astral Light H.P. Blavatsky
Biomagnetism George De la Warr
Bioplasma V.S. Greschenko
Elan Vital Henri Bergson
Eloptic Energy Thomas Galen Hieronymus
Etheric Force Radiesthists
Etheric Formative Forces Rudolf Steiner
Gestaltung Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Integrative Tendency Arthur Koestler
Kirlian Energy Czech
Lebenskraft (Vital Force) Samuel Hahnemann
Libido Sigmund Freud
Life Fields (L-fields) Harold Saxon Burr
Life Force Luigi Galvani
Morphogenetic (M) – Fields Rupert Sheldrake
Magnetic Fluid Anton Mesmer
Magnetoelectricity William T. Tiller
Negative Energy Erwin Schroedinger
Noetic Energy Charles Muses
Od, Odyllic, Odic Force Karl von Reichenbach
Orgone Energy Wilhelm Reich
Primary Perception Cleve Backster
Psi Faculty J.B. Rhine
Psi Plasma Andrija Puharich
Psionics John W. Campbell
Psychotronic Energy Robert Pavlita
Synchronicity Carl Gustav Jung
Synergy Abraham Maslow
Unitary Principle in Nature Lancelot Law Whyte
Universal Energy Field Barbara Brennan
Universal Intelligence Chiropractic
Will to Live Western Medicine


What we see is that “there is a Unitary Principle at work (which goes under various names) that counteracts entropy and is being mostly ignored by the mainstream.  Many go through mainstream training in physics, they are informed there is no unified field theory and so some of them decide to go and invent their own pet theories; they do this rather than realize that there is an existing tradition that can be tapped into; merely their education system had decided to not mention it to them.”6

Furthermore, some would think the Principle of Unity was God at work.  Others might think it is just a property of Nature.  “All depends thus on philosophy.  What is natural to one person because of their personal beliefs is not interpreted by another person with a different set of beliefs.”



Important Concepts in a Unified Reality

  1. The Universe is Infinite: Infinite in volume, time, qualities, consciousnesses, psychological dimensions and probabilities. It is an Infinite Universe filled with finites.  This principle of infinity leads to infinite possibilities and thus the allowance for free will and freedom of choice.  Freedom is a universal principle, a universal right and a universal responsibility.
  2. The Universe is unified. It is one singular infinitely connected realm.  It is One though it has infinite unique and individualized parts.  All points in space and time are connected.  This principle of unity leads to the concept of cooperation.  Cooperation, not competition, is a universal principle.
  3. The Universe is harmoniously ordered. Order is a prerequisite for the creation, formation and continuation of consciousness, life and matter.  It is ordered according to common geometric principles and harmonic ratios and it is hierarchical in nature.  This leads to a fractal-holographic structure of reality.  Harmony is a universal principle.
  4. The Universe is NEITHER random NOR chaotic. Chaos and randomness exist within order.  They are each a part of order and a part of the universe – they do exist.  However, chaos is not the Universe itself.  Chaos and randomness could never create DNA or life and they certainly could not create consciousness.  Order is a universal principle.


The visible, physical realm (the ‘real world’) is an emanation into 3D space/time of an invisible parallel universe of time/space.  “The Universe cannot exist unless the capacities to perceive and respond to its presence also exist,” Robert Lawlor tells us.

We cannot fully understand reality without taking account of the invisible source realm it emerges from.

It turns out reality is not a fixed and firm, immutable construct that can be changed only by direct physical or mechanical action.  It often behaves more like a lucid dream that can be changed by the power of thought, imagination and will.

‘Thoughts’ are therefore ‘things’.  Thoughts have electromagnetic realities.  We should be aware that our thoughts can manifest tangible effects in the ‘real world’.

“Simply stated,” affirms Robert Lawlor, “the world and universe enters into the manifest state, entirely within the act of a perceiving and conceiving consciousness.   Furthermore, the aspects of the universe only change, develop or transform by means of a transformation occurring in that perceiving consciousness…All creation is occurring with an eternal persent moment that paradoxically cannot exist in time nor space but purely in consciousness.”


This describes the “Participatory Universe”.  “The word ‘participation‘ was very popular with the later Platonic philosophers such as Proclus, Iamblichus and Plotinus.  This refers to practices – both theoretical and operative – where the human concerned becomes the instrument participating in an objective and philosophical proposition, not merely contemplating it or theorizing about it.  This in turn implies that the human mind is capable of participating in a higher or superior intelligence.”7


“You are participators in an immense drama in which the main actions occur outside of your world, in those realms from which your world originated — and you are, foremost, natives of those other realms, as each individual is; as each being is.

Those realms are far from lonely, dark, and chaotic. They are also quite different from any concept of nirvana or nothingness. They are composed of ever-spiraling states of existence in which different kinds of consciousnesses meet and communicate. They are not impersonal realms, but are involved in the most highly intimate interactions.  Those interactions exist about you all the while, and I would like you in your thoughts to aspire toward them, to try to stretch your perceptions enough so that you become at least somewhat aware of their existence.”8


Implications of Infinite Oneness

Here are more key aspects of the esoteric stream of knowledge that we are attempting to bring to light.  Each of these are discussed in detail throughout the entire Cosmic Core series.


  • Reincarnation/cycles of reincarnation/life after death/immortality and evolution of the soul
  • All points in space and time are connected. This theoretically explains telepathy; teleportation; time travel; telekinesis; psychokinesis; psychometry, precognition; retrocausality, dream communications, among others.
  • Every thought, word and action affects all other people and things in life throughout the infinite universe. This explains the idea of co-creating your own reality; healing the body or mind with consciousness; and transformation of the spirit and soul.
  • If you harm another, you harm yourself. If you judge another you judge yourself.  If you lie to another, you lie to yourself.  If you shame another, you shame yourself.  If you hate another, you hate yourself…etc.  We must be honest with ourselves at all times.
  • Karma is real. It is akin to inertia.  Forgiveness is the eradicator of karma.  None is a victim to their karma once they learn to heal and transform.  This involves forgiveness.
  • Infinite possibilities/probabilities form layered time. This explains multiple timelines & alternate realities in a multidimensional universe.
  • You create your own personal reality through your beliefs, thoughts, and expectations.
  • Everyone together creates the mass shared reality.


Consciousness, Energy and Matter are One.

“Scientists say now that energy and matter are one.  They must take the next full step to realize that consciousness and energy and matter are one.”9

“The most fundamental ground of creation is not Energy/Matter nor Time/Space nor Light/Darkness, rather it is Consciousness.  Creation is a single thought occurring within a Universal-Conscious-Being.  This Universal Being and this thought is beyond the comprehension of the human mind yet enters the awareness of some individuals, because our species in an integral part of this cosmic moment.

British physicist and astronomer James Hopwood Jeans writes in The Mysterious Universe, “The stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the Universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine.  Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter…we ought to hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.”

“In the Hindu cosmogony it is matter that has emerged from consciousness, and not the other way around. Or as the Vedas put it, the physical world is brought into being through both the “veiling” and “projecting” powers of consciousness.”10

The brilliant German theoretical physicist Max Planck said, “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness… Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”

James Hopwood Jeans adds, “I incline to the idealistic theory that consciousness is fundamental, and that the material universe is derivative from consciousness, not consciousness from the material universe…In general the universe seems to me to be nearer to a great thought than to a great machine.  It may well be, it seems to me, that each individual consciousness ought to be compared to a brain-cell in a universal mind.”

Keith Floyd, psychologist at Virginia Intermont College agrees, “Contrary to what everyone knows is so, it may not be the brain that produces consciousness, but rather consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain—matter, space, time and everything else we are pleased to interpret as the physical universe.”


“In a universe in which all things are infinitely interconnected, all consciousnesses are also interconnected.”11


Consciousness is the Building Block of Light and the Electromagnetic Aether

Consciousness creates non-physical Consciousness Units.  These units, when brought to sufficient intensity and duration, become physical photons.  These photons are encoded withe specific information as well as probabilities.  These photons are put in motion by consciousness.  As they spin and oscillate they produce interpenetrating electromagnetic fields.  These fields create the Aether: a fluid-like crystallized medium of conscious electromagnetic energy and light that has been programmed by consciousness.

The fundamental fluctuations of consciousness creates the photons that create the Aether that create photons are fluctuations of consciousness.

The metaphysical source field is one of consciousness.

The primary physical field is one of photons or light. This is called the “Charge Field”.

The secondary physical field is one of interrelated fields of electromagnetism creating charge differentials which creates movement of the Aether – inward centripetal motion towards the center of matter and outward centrifugal motion towards the circumference of matter.


Consciousness is the origin of the universe.

Consciousness is the Divine Thought – the Word – the Logos.  It is composed of geometric vibrations in ratio.  It is the fundamental source from which all originates and it is embedded with harmonic ratios that create geometry.

The universe is the natural extension of divine creativity and intent, lovingly formed from the inside out.  There was consciousness before there was matter, not the other way around.

There is no point at which consciousness emerged.  Consciousness always was.


Consciousness is within the tiniest particle.

This applies whatever its life conditions seem to be, or however it might seem to lack those conditions we think of as ‘living’.  This is called panpsychism.  All is imbued with consciousness – however with varying perspectives, experiences and levels of consciousness.

J. Woodroff writes in The Serpent Power, “Consciousness and unconsciousness are always intermingled.  Somethings, however, appear to be conscious and some more unconscious than others.  The degree of this manifestation is determined by the nature and development of the mind and the body in which it is enshrined.”


Before the smallest cell appeared there was the consciousness that formed the cell.  “Every form and species of nature holds a ‘seed idea’ which originates and eternally persists in a pre-manifest metaphysical realm.” (Lawlor)


Consciousness predates the physical universe.

Robert Lawlor tells us: “The energetic processes and substances comprising the universe hold only a potential for manifesting as an actual physical reality.  That actualization is dependent on the existence of a pre-prepared, intelligible, perceiving consciousness which takes the shape of a triad:

  1. The perceiver (noun)
  2. The activity of perceiving (verb)
  3. The perceived (object)

Consciousness predates physical forms.

Consciousness predates all of its manifestations.

Consciousness is primary.  Consciousness creates Vibration.  Vibration creates Light.  Light creates electromagnetic fields and vortexes.  Electromagnetic processes create matter.  All is imbued and programmed by consciousness, every step of the way.

Consciousness and matter and energy are one, but consciousness initiates the transformation of consciousness into energy and energy into matter.  In other words: the transformation of consciousness into light (photons) and photons into matter.

Consciousness is the agent that directs the transformation of energy into form (creation) and of form into energy (destruction).

Your consciousness is a part of an infinitely original creative process.  Remember, matter, energy and consciousness are one.

Physical reality arises from consciousness, not the other way around – Consciousness forms matter on all scales – the individual through the universal.  This really cannot be stressed enough.

Due to consciousness’s role in forming matter every entity (be it human, plant, animal, mineral, photon) is a participator in the creation of the universe, not just an observer.


We create our reality by using our consciousness.

Movements of consciousness include: thoughts, emotions, feelings, beliefs, expectations, intentions, intuition, reasoning, imagination, awareness…etc.



The nature of consciousness is geometric.

Consciousness creates vibrational patterns which in turn create oscillating ripples in the Aether.  The interference patterns in the oscillating ripples form geometric standing waves.  Matter is built or coalesces upon the Aether flow force lines of the geometry.

This relates to the Hermetic principle in the Kybalion – The Principle of Mentalism.  Mentalism and Idealism are exchangeable in this regard.

The Kybalion tell us, “The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.”

This ancient Egyptian philosophy is the same as ancient Hindu philosophy because they are from the same source.

“Consciousness does not exist.  It is existence.” ~ Hindu Philosophy

“This Principle embodies the truth that “All is Mind.” It explains that THE ALL (which is the Substantial Reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know under the terms of “The Material Universe”; the “Phenomena of Life”; “Matter”; “Energy”; and, in short, all that is apparent to our material senses) is SPIRIT which in itself is UNKNOWABLE and UNDEFINABLE, but which may be considered and thought of as AN UNIVERSAL, INFINITE, LIVING MIND.

It also explains that all the phenomenal world or universe is simply a Mental Creation of THE ALL, subject to the Laws of Created Things, and that the universe, as a whole, and in its parts or units, has its existence in the Mind of THE ALL, in which Mind we “live and move and have our being.

Mentalism enables the individual to readily grasp the laws of the Mental Universe, and to apply the same to his well-being and advancement. ”12



Panpsychism Consciousness

“Physically and psychically the species is connected with all of nature.  The species itself arose newly from the womb of timelessness into time.  There are channels of interrelatedness, connecting all physical matter – channels through which consciousness flows.

As you live in an obvious physical universe, sharing in its reality, so each of you exists in a far vaster psychological or psychic universe – surrounded by, supported by, and part of psychic or psychological entities infinite in their variety.

Simply enough put, there are as many kinds of consciousnesses as there are particles, and these are combined in infinite fashions.  Your consciousness is not one thing like a flashlight, that you possess.  It is instead a literally endless conglomeration of points of consciousness, swarming together to form your validity – stamped, as it were, with your identity.  Whether dispersed, concentrated in a tight grouping, appearing “alone” or flying through other large swarms, that particular organization represents your identity.

Consciousness itself is independent of any of the forms that it may at one time or another assume.  Your recognized consciousness operates as it does because of immense information gathering procedures – procedures that unite all species.

When you ask what is the purpose of consciousness you take it for granted there must be one purpose – where the greater truth and creativity must be that consciousness itself cannot be aware of all of its own purposes, but ever discovers its own nature through its own manifestations.”13

“One may think of Time and Space as the windows and walls of a shadowy domicile dreamed by an infinite Consciousness in its eternal game of becoming imaginable to itself.” ~ Robert Lawlor


Unitary Consciousness

Keith Critchlow writes, “A traditional psychology is one, as defined by F. Schuon, which locates humankind’s consciousness in a spectrum of consciousness, taking into account expressions more subtle and dense than those studied by other psychologies.  It incorporates the most inclusive possibilities as well as limitations and accidents, and its aim is unitary consciousness, the fullest realization of potential.  This latter has been given many names such as pure being, or enlightenment.”14


The reaching of unitary consciousness is done through four stages or levels.

The four levels also refer to the four levels of knowing.  They are:

  • Sense data – ‘a confusing multiplicity of sights, sounds, feelings, smells, tastes and so on, pure difference’.
  • Recognition – to acquire information
  • Knowledge – the ability to recognize or distinguish and agree shared knowledge in order to establish truth.
  • Wisdom – the disciplined fourth stage – the distillation of knowledge that refers to seeking the essential values which offer unifying wholeness.


“Sense data is immediate and constantly changing.  Information works on a somewhat longer timescale…Knowledge is of a much longer timescale and usually refers to qualities that can be referred to over many, many years.  Finally, true wisdom refers to the unchanging qualities that are timeless or as Socrates called them the ‘ever true’.

Such tools at this level are the ‘universal languages’…arithmetic, geometry, harmony or music, and astronomy.  They are essential for finding wholeness, the purpose of life and existence itself.”15



In this article we have covered some of the broad, poetic aspects of a unified medium of consciousness that is the source of reality.

We have discussed these concepts in the 137 articles leading up to this one, and we continue to do so, always looking at these themes from various angles and various sources.

If it had to be said, these ideas of unity and consciousness as the creative source of reality would be the absolute most important concepts to understand in all of Cosmic Core.


  1. Booth, Mark, The Secret History of the World, The Overlook Press, 2010
  2. Elkins, Reuckert, McCarty, The Law of One, Session 1.7,
  3. Rawles, Bruce, The Geometry Code,
  4. Roberts, Jane, The Magical Approach (A Seth Book), Amber-Allen Publishing, 1995
  5. Elkins, Reuckert, McCarty, The Law of One, Session 52.11,
  6. Anderton, Roger J., Lancelot Law Whyte Unitary Field Theory, Proceedings of the NPA, 2010
  7. Critchlow, Keith, The Hidden Geometry of Flowers: Living Rhythms, Form and Number, Floris Books, 2011
  8. Roberts, Jane, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book), Amber-Allen Publishing, 1981
  9. Roberts, Jane, Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment, Volume One (A Seth Book), Amber-Allen Publishing, 1986
  10. Talbot, Michael, The Holographic Universe, Harper Perennial, 1991
  11. The Seven Hermetic Principles,
  12. Roberts, Jane, The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression (A Seth Book), Amber-Allen Publishing, 1979
  13. Critchlow, Keith, Time Stands Still: New Light on Megalithic Science, Floris Books, 2nd edition, 2007
  14. Critchlow, Keith, The Hidden Geometry of Flowers: Living Rhythms, Form and Number, Floris Books, 2011


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