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Dewey B Larson tells us, “In theory, new scientific ideas are always welcome and most of the vast amount of effort now being devoted to fundamental research is aimed at the discovery of new facts and relations.  In actual practice, however, the welcome is reserved for those discoveries which are in essence extensions of minor revision of the existing body of scientific thought, and an altogether different reception awaits a discovery which challenges any of the fundamentals of currently accepted doctrine.  Max Planck once said that new scientific truths never succeed in convincing their opponents and must wait for a new generation of scientists to grow up before they can triumph.”1

In this article we will continue our discussion of continuous creation specifically looking at the work of Dewey B Larson, Dr. Harold Aspden, Walter Russell and Dr. Paul LaViolette.  All four of these brilliant thinkers support the Aether science of cosmology and the idea of continual creation, rather than the idea of a single Big Bang creation event 13.8 billion years ago.


To fully understand these ideas, you will need to read the series of articles on the Aether (Articles 98-110) which include articles about the cosmic cellular structure and space domains.



Dr. Paul LaViolette – Continuous Creation, Galactic & Stellar Evolution

Dr. LaViolette “is the developer of subquantum kinetics, a novel approach to microphysics that not only accounts for electric, magnetic, gravitational, and nuclear forces in a unified manner, but also resolves many long-standing problems in physics such as the field singularity problem, the wave-particle dualism, and the field source problem, to mention a few.

Dr. Paul LaViolette

In 1986, he was the first to cast doubt on the big bang theory by showing that it makes a far poorer fit to existing astronomical data when compared to this new non-expanding universe cosmology. The subquantum kinetics cosmology also led him to make successful predictions about galaxy evolution that were later verified with the Hubble Space Telescope.

Dr. LaViolette is credited with the discovery of the planetary-stellar mass-luminosity relation which demonstrates that the Sun, planets, stars, and supernova explosions are powered by spontaneous energy creation through photon blueshifting.”2

According to the work of Dr. LaViolette, black holes are dense stellar bodies continually creating matter and energy.  This prediction is supported by observation.

The universe is cosmologically stationary.  This is the Steady State Universe.  Repeating cycles of matter creation and dissolution occur, but within a stable universe.  This is the Dynamic aspect of the Steady State Universe.

Galaxies, excepting their peculiar motions, are at rest relative to their local Aether frame.


The Cosmology of Continuous Creation

“Since creation proceeds more rapidly within celestial masses, each planet evolves into a Mother Star which produces daughter planets and stars, which evolve into a primordial star cluster and eventually into a dwarf elliptical galaxy.”3

Andromeda Galaxy – Credit: NASA/JPL

The following information are predictions of subquantum kinetics that were subsequently verified after they were predicted.4

  • The luminosity of planets and red dwarf stars is due to energy being spontaneously generated in their interiors.
  • Galactic core emissions come from un-collapsed matter-creating stellar masses (Mother stars) and not from matter-accreting black holes.
  • Stars in the vicinity of the Galactic center are massive blue supergiant stars as opposed to low mass red dwarf stars.
  • Galaxies progressively grow in size with the passage of time proceeding from compact types such as dwarf ellipticals and compact spirals to mature spirals and giant ellipticals.

NGC 4414 – Credit: NASA/Hubble


Dr. Harold Aspden – Stellar & Planetary Creation

Now we will take a look at the same topic from the perspective of Dr. Harold Aspden (1927-2011).  Dr. Aspden was a brilliant author, theoretical physicist, electrical engineer, and inventor.  He was the director of the European Patent Operations of IBM from 1963 to 1982.  He was a well-known critic of Einstein’s theory of relativity.  He proposed a new concept of physics and cosmology based on a subtle dynamic fluid-crystal structure that permeates all space, that is, the Aether.5

His work can be found on his website:


There are three primary aspects of the solar system which need explanation, according to Dr. Aspden:

  1. How was the sun itself created?
  2. How did the sun acquire angular momentum?
  3. What caused the formation of the planets?


Angular momentum is the quantity of rotation of a body, which is the product of its moment of inertia and its angular velocity.  Dr. Aspden theorizes that angular momentum arises from the Aether.  All astronomical bodies are enveloped in an aether.  The aether rotates with the rotating body.

“The field medium we call the aether can transport energy and angular momentum.  If it can convey these away from a star surely it can, by similar token, deliver them when the star is born.”6

“Matter may be being created from the aether today and the processes localized…None of this is of much concern provided we accept the creation of matter which condenses to form stars, thanks to the ever-present forces of gravitation.”7



The Creation of Planets

According to Dr. Aspden, planets are ejected when a stellar body crosses a space domain boundary.

A space domain is another word for the cosmic cellular structure of the Universe, or in mainstream terms, large-scale structure of the universe.  This will be discussed in great detail in subsequent articles. These domains are geometrically shaped – cubic, octahedral, tetrahedral and rhombic dodecahedral, and they tessellate – they fill space with no gaps.

Rhombic dodecahedron

Tessellating Rhombic dodecahedra


In Dr. Aspden’s work, he focuses on stellar space domains, that is, the geometric boundary around suns.  There are also larger ones around galaxies and galactic clusters.


According to Aspden, each stellar domain is the seat of creation of a single star or a binary pair of stars in a universe that is not expanding.

These domains are defining regions of space and anti-space [space/time and time/space] in which electrical polarities are reversed.  This means that there are geometric force fields the suns move through.  The boundaries of the structures are essentially regions where objects (stellar or planetary bodies) in space/time will temporarily flip into time/space.  This will only happen at the boundaries.  When they will flip back to space/time they will be transformed in various ways.


In space/time and time/space, electrical polarities are reversed.  One will be positive, one negative.  This means that when this flipping and transformation occurs, there can be a magnetic pole shift of the sun or planet crossing the boundary.

There is huge evidence of pole shifts that happen with regularity throughout time.8  This is widely accepted in mainstream science and will be discussed in detail in later articles.  It is important to note that these reversals happen with a certain regularity or pattern.  This pattern relates to the regularly spaced crossings of domain boundaries.

If the domain is a cube, then a body moving through the boundaries will happen with a certain regularity, since the shape itself is regular.

“On this basis it is plausible to suggest that the mass m with its angular momentum X could break away from the Sun when the domain boundary is crossed, or perhaps there might be a sequence of such eruptions and separations as successive domain boundary crossings occur in the early life of the sun.”9

Credit: NASA

— Article 92: Astronomy – Stellar Evolution & Continuous Creation

Planets are Ejected From Stars

“We can relate the angular momentum and mass of a planet ejected from a stellar object as a result of the maximum initial disturbance.”10


“It seems probably that the planets were created in pairs as atmospheric bulges developed on opposite sides of the sun.”11

This leads him to believe Saturn formed with Jupiter.  After this release of mass the sun would rotate at a much slower speed.

“Note that Nature first determined the mass which would come together to form the sun.  Then as this mass came together under gravity there came a time when it was possible for the gravitational energy to deploy to cause aether rotation.

The basic sun would continue forming in this way until it reached the physical size governed by its gaseous state.

In this condition it was little different than it is today save that it rotated rapidly about once every 12 hours.

Then at some time thereafter it ejected Jupiter and Saturn, accounting as indicated above, for the maximum angular momentum it could shed.

This was followed at the next eruption by the ejection of very nearly the rest of its angular momentum in forming two planets Uranus and Neptune.”12


So, we have Saturn ejected with Jupiter, as they are similar sizes, and Uranus ejected with Neptune, as they are also similar sizes.

Beyond that it is unclear which pairs were ejected together.  It could have been the Earth with Venus, or Mars, or Maldek, the 5th planet, now the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Possibly Mercury was ejected with Venus, since neither have satellites.  We can’t be sure.  We are speculating.



Dewey B Larson & Continuous Creation

We will now shift gears slightly, looking at these same topics of planetary, stellar and galactic evolution from the perspective of Dewey B Larson (1898-1990).  Larson was an engineer and author of numerous books on physics, astrophysics and economic science.

The following information is taken from Larson’s book, The Structure of the Physical Universe, his original groundbreaking publication wherein the Reciprocal System of Physical Theory was presented for the first time.13


Matter Aggregation

According to Larson, There is a means of interchange between the material and non-material sectors.  This is the interchange between space/time and time/space or the physical and the metaphysical.

New matter entering the material sector is produced in the form of individual atomic units.  These are photons looping to form subatomic particles that in turn, form atoms.

“These newly produced atoms uniformly distributed throughout space come under the influence of gravitational forces [geometric cosmic cellular structure] as soon as they are formed and a process of aggregation begins.”

From photons to atomic units, “the aggregates grow larger, the atoms become particles, the particles become clouds, the clouds become stars, the stars gather in clusters, the clusters become galaxies, the galaxies become larger galaxies.”

This idea mirrors Dr. LaViolette’s verified predictions of galactic evolution.


In the meantime the galaxies move outward away from each other in space.  New aggregations form from new matter and remnants of the old in the areas left vacant by the larger units.

In due course these new formations grow older and larger and follow in the paths of their predecessors, leaving new vacancies to be filled.  The process thus continues.

“Each generation has its period of development, comes to maturity, and finally reaches the point of reconversion into the non-material sector of the universe to start the second half of the cycle.”

There is a definite evolutionary path in the material universe extending from dispersed atoms and sub-material particles through particles of matter, clouds of atoms and particles, stars, clusters of stars, elliptical galaxies and small spirals to the giant spiral galaxies which constitute the final stage of the material phase of the galactic cycle.  (Keep in mind there are always variations and temporary divergences from the normal relationship between age and size.)



Matter Aggregation & Cosmic Cellular Structure

This process does not happen in a universe that expands as a whole.  However, there is local expansion and contraction of the universe.  This local expansion and contraction occurs in each space domain or cosmic cellular structure.

As Larson states, “Within the effective gravitational range [cellular domain boundary], the aggregates of matter are continually growing.”

The vast distances which we observe between the star systems are a permanent feature of the stellar distribution and there is no interaction between systems other than the escape of some diffuse material from one region to another.


There is an Aether expansion process and an Aether contraction process.  This expansion and contraction form one balanced system.  These two opposing dynamic motions control the large-scale aspects of the material universe.

The large-scale aspects of the universe = geometric cosmic cellular structure.

Octahedral Large-scale structure.  Each octahedra is its own cosmic cell.


Stellar Evolution

Larson deduces that atoms combine to form particles – i.e. dust particles in interstellar space.  These particles gather to form dust clouds.  Stars are formed from clouds of dust and gas.

However, Larson may not be entirely correct.  We have discussed how Suns can be ejected from galactic cores.  Dust and gas can then be drawn to them making them larger stellar masses.

The aggregates become self-luminous when the first magnetic ionization level is reached and an adequate source of heat is thereby activated.

“Stars within dense dust clouds are acquiring enough material by accretion from the surroundings to more than compensate for the loss of matter by radiation and are actually growing hotter and more massive.”

In regions where the accretion of matter is at a minimum, a star does not cool down indefinitely; it merely moves down the main sequence to an equilibrium point and remains there until it enters a denser zone.


In the regions where the accretion is normal or above normal the star moves up the main sequence, becoming hotter and more massive.  These are regions with high dust and gas concentration.

Main sequence stars are relatively quiet and unspectacular as they gradually increase in mass and temperature and move upward along their evolutionary path.

Stellar Evolution: Dwarf to Hyper Giant – Credit: NASA


As temperature rises, a point is ultimately reached which represents the destructive thermal limit for the heaviest element present.  This is called a supernovae.  Such an explosion occurs when a star reaches the upper end of main sequence.

The ultimate result of a stellar explosion is a binary star or star and planet, probably with some additional small companions.

After explosion it will be merely a cloud of cold and very diffuse material occupying a tremendous expanse of space.

The material of which a galaxy is composed is in such a physical condition that it has the general characteristics of a fluid.  Remember, the Aether is fluid-like.



Pulsation Stars – Intrinsic Variables

Larson explains an intermediate possibility between complete stability and a violent explosion (supernovae).  This results in pulsation stars, or intrinsic variables.  There are two types: cepheids and long period variables.

Cepheids are more advanced stars with shorter periods that extend down to minutes.

Long period variables are relatively new stars just entering the pulsation zone.


A star can have a sudden release of energy that is enough to change the star but not enough to blow it apart.  The sudden release of excess heat will cause a rapid expansion.

After the expansion, inertia carries the star beyond its equilibrium point.  This cools the interior of the star, which in turn drops the temperature in the central regions below the recently attained destructive limit and shuts off the extra supply of energy, accentuating the cooling effect.

This cooling causes a contraction of the star, whereupon the temperature again rises, the destructive limit is once more reached, and the whole process is repeated.

RS Puppis – Cepheid Variable in the Milky Way – Credit: NASA


Evolution of Planetary Systems

Larson postulates how less violent supernovae explosions can result in a smaller dwarf mass resulting in a single star with one or more relatively small and cool attendants: a planetary system.

Most of the lighter elements will have been concentrated in the outer portions of the star before explosions.

The central portions of the star will contain a high concentration of the iron group elements.


Substance A – the outward moving material consisting mainly of light elements.

Substance B – the inward-moving component consisting primarily of iron group elements.


The ultimate result is a system in which a mass composed principally of Substance B is moving in an orbit around a central star of Substance A.

If the B component is of stellar size the system is a binary star; if it is smaller the product is a planetary system.



The Point of Reconversion into the Non-material Sector – The Second Half of the Cycle

Each generation has its period of development, comes to maturity, and finally reaches the point of reconversion into the non-material sector of the universe to start the second half of the cycle:

“From the reciprocal relation between time and space it is apparent that the material universe with which we are familiar must be duplicated by a non-material universe identical in all respects except that space and time are interchanged.”


Larson is speaking of physical space/time and metaphysical time/space.

He uses the term ‘cosmic’ to denote the non-material, metaphysical sector.


“When a giant spiral reaches the end of its career at the destructive limit of magnetic ionization the material of which it is composed must cross the neutral line and begin the other half of the cycle as cosmic matter.”


The explosion of the galaxy is not a magnified super-nova; it is an explosion of the inverse type: a cosmic explosion.

In the ordinary explosion with which we are familiar a portion of the mass is converted into energy in a very short time, and this results in dispersal of the remainder of the aggregate over a large amount of space in a limited amount of time.

In the cosmic explosion space and time are reversed.

The essential difference is that the rate of propagation of an ordinary explosion is very rapid, whereas the inverse condition prevails in the cosmic explosion and the rate of propagation is very slow.

Here a portion of the mass is converted into energy in a very small space, and this results in the dispersal of the remainder of the aggregate over a large amount of time in a limited amount of space.


In looking for astronomical evidence of a cosmic explosion, then, we should not expect to see any spectacular phenomenon.

The direct results of the explosion are totally invisible since the matter is now being dispersed into time at velocities greater than unity, so that no radiation of any kind can reach us.

There may be some difficulty in distinguishing a galaxy which is on the way down from one which is on the way up, but there should be some difference in appearance which we can learn to recognize.

We can expect to find a stream of particles issuing from the center of an exploding galaxy: a small replica of the large stream which is being propelled across the boundary line into time.

Credit: NASA/Hubble


We will identify the cosmic matter dispersed into our sector of the universe by the explosion of the cosmic galaxies as the cosmic rays.

These cosmic particles should reach us without preferential direction and they should arrive with extremely high velocities.

Inasmuch as the cosmic equivalent of visible light does not reach us, our reception of cosmic radiation is confined to the other principal type of radiation, the cosmic gamma rays, which we receive at radio wavelengths.


Another contact between the material and non-material sectors of the universe occurs through the medium of radiation.  The half-life of the radioactive substance is merely a measure of the rate of propagation of the cosmic explosion.

Like the radiation with which we are familiar, the cosmic radiation covers the entire spectrum of wavelengths, but in the reverse order.



Walter Russell – The Two-Way Universe

We will finish this discussion with the brilliant ideas of Walter Russell (1871-1963).  Russell was a sculptor, natural philosopher, musician, author, and builder.  The New York Herald Tribune called him “the modern Leonardo”.14


“Russell’s Cosmogony is a work of natural philosophy, not science as we think of it these days, but it has the ideas to transform Science; neither is Russell a theologian, but his cosmogony has the potential to transform Religion.”15


Russell touted the idea of “a new cosmogony based upon a two-way continuous, balanced universe to replace the one-way discontinuous, unbalanced universe.”16

His idea of a two-way universe perfectly parallels Dewey Larson’s concept of a reciprocal universe with two aspects: space/time and time/space.


Russell tells us the Newtonian law based on the apple falling to the ground is invalid because it accounts for only one half of the apple’s growth-decay cycle.

“Had Newton sat with the apple for a week or two he would have seen that same apple ‘rise’ unto the heavens as a low potential gas seeking a like low potential position to balance its electrically-divided state.  The ‘rising’ of the decaying, expanding apple again fulfills Nature’s law of like seeking like.”17

Notice how this mirrors Larson’s idea of a sun returning to the non-material metaphysical sector in a ‘cosmic explosion’.  The cosmic explosion is very slow as the sun gradually loses particles, expanding and disappearing as it ‘explodes’.  The apple’s ‘cosmic explosion’ is its decay.  The apple turns to gas, particle by particle, slowing expanding and disappearing as it rises.

As above, so below.


“Everything which ‘falls’ toward one of the two polarized conditions of matter must ‘rise’ toward the other opposite condition. The interchange is equal. The Apple which falls of its own accord rises of its own accord.

This is as true of suns as it is of apples. Every sun which is projected into space by one swing of polarity’s pendulum has its mate in a black, vacuous hole of equal potential on the other side of its wave axis, which is waiting to ‘swallow it up’ when the pendulum reverses its swing. ”18


Russell tells us that cycles do not end in gravity.  That means, the inward coalescing of matter towards the center of itself – i.e., the stable formation of matter – is not the end-point of its evolution.  He says that is only its half-way point where it simultaneously reverses its every attribute.

“They reverse their directions, their potentials, their polarities, their densities, their spectrum colors and their weight.  One attribute cannot be reversed without reversing all.”19

Concerning the formation of planets, Russell has this to say, “Suns wind up centripetally to polarize. When they have become true spheres they unwind centrifugally to depolarize. To depolarize they throw off rings from their equators. Rings become planets which likewise throw off centrifugally spiraling rings which become moons.”20




We have taken a look at several brilliant thinkers with similar ideas of how planets and suns form.  None of the ideas are exactly alike, but they are similar enough in substance to begin to gain an understanding about the continual creation in our universe and the formation of suns and planets.


Suns (and quasars as we will see in the next article) are ejected from galactic cores.  As they spin and grow, they throw off planets, either in pairs or singly.  Sometimes they throw off another sun and a planet.  Sometimes multiple bodies that become planets or moons.

It is possible they throw off rings, as Walter Russell proposes, and those rings in turn form into spheres and throw off other bodies.

Sometimes suns and planets are formed after a supernovae.


The point is that suns come from galaxies; planets from suns; moons from planets…etc.  This is the fractal-holographic nature of reality: the budding and blooming of the universe.

We need the mainstream scientific community to revise their thinking in order to put these ideas together in the most accurate and unified way.

The Big Bang theory and Einstein’s general theory of relativity need to be discarded for a more accurate model of the universe.


According to the new scientific paradigm we live in a dynamic steady state universe composed of two reciprocal aspects – time/space and space/time.  There is continual creation going on at all scales and the source of all creation is consciousness.

In the next two articles we will discuss another major scientific inconsistency with the Big Bang/GR theory – that of the fallacious expanding universe theory and redshift.



  1. Larson, Dewey B, The Structure of the Physical Universe, 1959,
  3. LaViolette, Paul A, The Cosmic Ether: Introduction to Subquantum Kinetics, 2012,
  4. ibid.
  6. Aspden, Harold, Modern Aether Science, Sabberton Publications, 1972
  7. ibid.
  8. Evidence of a Recent Poleshift – Part 1,
  9. Aspden, Harold, The Physics of Creation, Sabberton Publications, 2003
  10. Aspden, Harold, Modern Aether Science, Sabberton Publications, 1972
  11. ibid.
  12. ibid.
  13. Larson, Dewey B, The Structure of the Physical Universe, 1959,
  14. New York Herald Tribune, p. 22, May 20, 1963
  16. Russell, Walter, A New Concept of the Universe, 1953
  17. ibid.
  18. ibid.
  19. ibid.
  20. ibid.


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