Search Result: the photons

Article 94: Astronomy – Quantized Redshift & Quantized Energy Shells

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this article we will continue our discussion of redshift from the previous article, focusing on the work of Dr. William Tifft and the idea of quantized redshifts. Keith Critchlow, in Time Stands Still reminds us, “As our perceptions are inevitably influenced […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 93: Astronomy – Redshift & the Non-expanding Universe

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this article we will continue our discussion of the inconsistencies of the Big Bang theory, focusing now on redshift and the fallacious idea of the expanding universe myth.  We will also take a look at the work of Dr. Halton Arp […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 92: Astronomy – Stellar Evolution & Continuous Creation

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   Dewey B Larson tells us, “In theory, new scientific ideas are always welcome and most of the vast amount of effort now being devoted to fundamental research is aimed at the discovery of new facts and relations.  In actual practice, however, the […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 116: Physics – Aether & Gravity – Part 1 – Gravity Theories

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   Now that we have discussed time and space in the following articles and recognize the two realms of reality – that of the inner realm of time/space and the outer realm of space time – in this article we will begin a […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 99: The Aether – Part 2 – Aether Advocates & Experiments

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this article we will continue our discussion of the Aether, focusing on the advocates of Aether and Aether experiments that were used to both dismiss the idea of the Aether, and later, to return it to its rightful place in the […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 89: Cosmology – Gravitational Lensing & Cosmic Background Radiation

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this article we will begin to take a look at various aspects of the Big Bang scientific creation myth, presenting alternative viewpoints to some of the paradoxes that arise. “Creating a universe in three seconds from an atom-sized speck while breaking […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 88: Cosmology – Intro to Scientific Creation Myths

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this article we will continue our discussion of creation myths by turning our focus to the scientific side which will include a detailed look at various key scientific aspects of modern day astronomical belief systems.   In the next eight articles […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 86: Cosmology – Religious Creation Myths

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this article we will continue our discussion of cosmology, turning our attention to religious creation myths from around the world.   “If there is one point upon which both Eastern and Western religious traditions can find common ground it is that […]

By Renee Hoadley |


Sacred Geometry is the key to understanding Science and the harmonic unity of the Universe.   The “Science” section will offer extensive data that the same geometry, mathematical ratios, harmonics and proportions are found in sound, music, light, Aether (space-time medium), subatomic particle interactions, atoms, molecules, DNA, minerals, water, ice, viruses, plants, insects, animals, humans, […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 80: Cosmology – Intro to New Cosmology

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   For the next several articles we will shift gears from discussing number and geometry and delve into the science section of Cosmic Core. We have introduced Number, Geometry and Harmony/Music.  Now we will begin to explore the fourth petal or branch of […]

By Renee Hoadley |