Search Result: photon

Article 93: Astronomy – Redshift & the Non-expanding Universe

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this article we will continue our discussion of the inconsistencies of the Big Bang theory, focusing now on redshift and the fallacious idea of the expanding universe myth.  We will also take a look at the work of Dr. Halton Arp […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 92: Astronomy – Stellar Evolution & Continuous Creation

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   Dewey B Larson tells us, “In theory, new scientific ideas are always welcome and most of the vast amount of effort now being devoted to fundamental research is aimed at the discovery of new facts and relations.  In actual practice, however, the […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 91: Astronomy – Black Holes as Matter Generators

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this article we will continue our discussion of black holes and wormholes.  We have discussed the idea that all black holes contain wormholes that act as bridges from the physical reality to the metaphysical reality, and that black holes exist on […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 90: Astronomy – Black Holes & the Proton as a Mini-Black Hole

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this Article we will continue our discussion of the conventional Big Bang cosmology myth and the alternatives of the new scientific paradigm with a focus on black holes, specifically taking a look at Nassim Haramein’s research into the idea that protons […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 116: Physics – Aether & Gravity – Part 1 – Gravity Theories

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   Now that we have discussed time and space in the following articles and recognize the two realms of reality – that of the inner realm of time/space and the outer realm of space time – in this article we will begin a […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 99: The Aether – Part 2 – Aether Advocates & Experiments

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this article we will continue our discussion of the Aether, focusing on the advocates of Aether and Aether experiments that were used to both dismiss the idea of the Aether, and later, to return it to its rightful place in the […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 98: Aether Physics – Part 1 – The Aether

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   This article will begin a 27 part series on the Aether.  Once again we will be digging deeply into the scientific aspect of reality, examining the work of many brilliant scientists and thinkers. Throughout these articles, however, the thread of spirituality will […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 139: Consciousness – Part 2 – Mainstream Theories

Return to Free Library Return to Consciousness Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In the previous article we looked at a broad and poetic view of panpsychism and idealism.  In this article we will discuss some of the mainstream questions and concepts of consciousness in science today.   A Review of Mainstream Ideas and Questions […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 89: Cosmology – Gravitational Lensing & Cosmic Background Radiation

Return to Free Library Return to Science Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this article we will begin to take a look at various aspects of the Big Bang scientific creation myth, presenting alternative viewpoints to some of the paradoxes that arise. “Creating a universe in three seconds from an atom-sized speck while breaking […]

By Renee Hoadley |

Article 138: Consciousness – Part 1 – Consciousness & Unity

Return to Free Library Return to Consciousness Menu Previous Article                                                                         Next Article   In this article we will now begin a 27-part series on aspects of consciousness.  We will discuss consciousness and unity, mainstream ideas of consciousness, consciousness units, and the effects of a unified consciousness otherwise called the ‘non-local mind’. From there we will […]

By Renee Hoadley |